No Flipping Excuses Academy
Real Estate Investing and Education for over 10 years
Resources for every stage of the journey

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"The Tax Delinquent Blueprint system flat out works. After 13 days of getting the system and putting it to use, I found 4 off-market properties. The cherry on top was they were all free and clear with no liens. From those 4 deals, I made well over six figures. Everything took less than 45 days from start to finish.”
Mark Maginnis.

“I was a little leery and skeptical before getting involved with the Tax Delinquent Blueprint, but after going through the lessons, I quickly understood the difference. I sent out my tax assistance mailer, and a few days later, my phone was ringing off the hook. I was able to contract 2 deals for pennies on the dollar and make $18,000 assignments per property.”
Tiffany Bonfigilo.